Sunday, August 17, 2014

Your Skin and You: What are the different skin types?

The first thing to skin care is finding out what skin type you have. Just like how everyone of us is unique and different, so is your skin type. There are four basic skin types - oily, combination, dry, and normal. 

Oily Skin

Oily skin type is usually when your face has too much oil. Throughout the day, your entire face would get oily; you would get "shiny". This is due to your skin producing too much oils throughout the day.

Combination Skin
Combination skin type is when you have a combination of oily and dry skin, hence where the name comes from. Most people with combination skin type usually have oily skin on the "t-zone" (forehead and nose) while having dry skin or normal skin around their cheeks as shown in the picture.

Dry Skin

Dry skin type is when the skin does not produce enough oil to the skin. Usually people with this skin type would feel the skin is lacking moisture or would have flaky skin. 

Normal Skin

Normal skin types are usually people who have skin that are not oily and not dry. They do not have combination skin but rather the "perfect" balance between dry and oily skin. For skin care purposes, people with normal skin should use combination skin products as it is not too thick nor too light.

These are just the broad categories of skin types. Throughout our lifetime we may experience different skin types as they can change. Skin types depends on many things like hormones, diet, weather, and even genetics. That's why your skin is unique to you. 

Sensitive Skin
Sensitive skin is not a separate skin type as you can have sensitive skin with any of the different skin types. Sensitive skin is when your skin is very reactive to many ingredients within products. Reactions to these products may include irritated skin, redness and itchiness. People with sensitive skin should use hypoallergenic products to prevent a reaction from occurring. 

As always everyone's skin is different and unique. The best way to learn more about your skin type is to try things out. Hope this helps and good luck my pretties! 
- Jessica

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