Saturday, October 25, 2014

[Review] Nature Republic Aqua Super Aqua Max White C Luminous Ampoule

Hey Cuties~ long time no update! sorry for the late update due to mid-term week again! but I am back today with another review of Nature Republic's Aqua Super Max White C Luminous Ampoule. What this like do is to hydrate the face while brightening it. This is how the product looks like:

I really like the dropper, which makes things easier to squirt out the products. What is different about this product is that the main ingredient is made out of Camu Camu, which is also known as the sea grape. I have heard that there is a lot of sea grapes in Hawai'i. But the sea grape have a stronger brightening property than vitamin C from a lemon. 

This is a sample of a droplet; its luminous glow looks very vibrant, yet when applied on the hand it blends nicely causing a small brightening glow. 

I like this product so far, since I just bought it a few days ago and decided to give it a try. I usually put this at night because that is the most important time to treat your skin. I don't put it during the day, or the sun will dry out the product. If I do put it during the day, I would put sun block to prevent it from drying. I always wake up with a clear face that felt hydrated.

COST: $20~ in Hawai'i 


Kahi's It's Me Dance Cover

Phoenix \m/ Dance's Halloween Special
Hey Cuties and kpop fans! Be aware of next week when they update their channel about their Halloween special dance covers! They had worked very hard for this, so enjoy and please subscribe to their Facebook and YouTube Channel~! [information could be found in the Phoenix Tab]
Thank you so much Cuties~! Love you~

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